Monday, October 1, 2007

Still looking but prices are still too high in GTA

I'm still looking but you wouldn't believe the 4 room SHACKS GOING FOR $200,000 in Toronto. The Oshawa and Brampton Manufacturing Meltdown may eventually effect even Toronto real estate prices. We'll see.


My Music Videos

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Another viewing in Brantford but................

It sounds like I found a decent agent in Brantford. I'll be looking at a property soon in that area. However ............................................


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Some interesting links

Some helpful real estate links

How To Lowball A Home Seller


Filthy Forclosures

What Agents won't tell You

Getting a great Agent

Airbrushed Real Estate Ads



Agents more friendly on the East side of Toronto

It seems that GTA real estate agents are more friendly on the East side of Toronto. I was politely escorted to 3 homes on the East side yesterday.


Saturday, August 4, 2007

My first cordial reply !

Yesterday I received my first cordial reply !! I hope they keep in touch.


Friday, August 3, 2007

Still no feedback!

Still no feedback! I'll look around some more today and get back to you all.


Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Toronto Real Estate Agents Very Unfriendly

First off , I'm sure that this doesn't apply to all Toronto House Sellers, but it DOES apply to all of the GTA agents which I have tried to contact regarding homes for sale.

The first agent failed to contact me before I went to view the property and then told me that the property was already sold BUT NOT CLOSED. I begged the agent to keep my name and contact me if the deal fell through. She replied "You're not the only one looking at this house!" That is true but I should get a chance to bid like everyone else.

There were also several properties listed at THE real estate listing website. I wrote several letters to several agents inquiring about properties listed but 95% of the letters weren't answered. The other 5% was answered with a 4 word sentence.

So I have decided what I will do if necessary.

Since real estate is so "HOT" in Toronto that the agents don't even need to follow up on potential customers, I have made up my mind that if I don't find a decent deal before I'm ready to move, I'll go back to school and get a license to sell Real Estate MYSELF or send my WIFE to school if she wants. Then I can get in on all of the inside deals that happen before the general public even sees the listing. I will get back the money spent on the license 10X.
